Do a little extra!

"Don’t be interested only in your own life, but care about the lives of others too."
 (Philippians 2:3-4)

A lot of the time, we are always so self-absorbed and self-invested. That’s understandable. It’s normal. It’s human even but we need to be fully aware that we also have a divine mandate. To follow the example of Christ, to transcend the mentality of ‘just self’.
We can’t give up being there for people just because we are supposedly too preoccupied with our own issues. 

When people hear charity, they just automatically think ‘giving’. Yes, charity consists of giving. In giving time and resources but more than giving, Charity consists in understanding. In understanding how to excuse people, in tolerating people, in being patient with people, in taking a sincere interest in others & doing all these with a lot of love.

God’s love and generosity towards humanity should move and inspire us to love and be generous in response. After all, Jesus taught that to love God & to love our neighbor are the greatest commandments. Charity is a vibrant expression of love. Charity is love.

Make up your mind to do a little extra. Listen a little more, have a little more patience, be a little more tolerant, more charitable in your choices, in what you say, in how you act.

Do a little extra not just for those who love you but for everyone else. It’s that extra that makes the difference. Everybody loves, but as Christians, we should love a little more with a lot fewer conditions. The love we give shouldn’t come with conditions.
Look up from yourself, look out to others - even when it’s hard.

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