The Kingdom Way Is Better!

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and All Other Things Shall Be Added Unto Thee (Matthew 6;33)
Kingdom culture is a sort of culture where God’s Kingdom is naturally established through belief, behavior, and practice.
Religion cannot be separated from life either in theory or in daily reality.
The teachings of Jesus were majorly centered around the kingdom of God. This means that if we are God’s children, we should act in ways that edify the kingdom of God. Our understanding of this should directly influence what we choose to do or not to do, what we say, how we channel our thoughts, and how we project ourselves. Our faith must color our choices and reflect our lifestyle.
Yes, culture is powerful and infectious. We all take on the culture of where we were brought up or where we live and it happens almost spontaneously. Long enough in an environment and people are shaped by it, be it good or bad. So, circumstances influence our projections but if those projections do not reflect our kingdom mission as children of God and apostles of the kingdom, then we need to debunk such qualifiers.
‘Father, May they all be one’ (John 17;21) - What characterizes our oneness is our oneness in Christ as members of His body.
As members of Christ’s body, we are called to love one another. (John 13; 34-35)
We should not solely be known for the denomination we subscribe to or the society we grew up in but we should be primarily known for propagating the kingdom of God by living out our faith the way God wants us to.
So yes, live out your faith and of course, share it with others the kingdom way - In love!

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