Easter During 2020 In COVID-19

Happy Good Friday!
We are so excited for this year's Easter! According to google, Church attendance increases significantly on EASTER Sunday. This means this is one of the best times to spread the Gospel because the hearts are willing to hear, especially with everything happening with COVID-19! Please do your part and invite someone to join you virtually at an online church service. The bible says in Luke 15:7 (NKJV), "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance." We at Blessed Afrique Boutique believe that thousands and millions will give their life to Christ this day. JUST IMAGINE THE OWANBE (Party-in the Nigerian Yoruba language) in Heaven that will be happening on Easter! 
😛 Wouldn't you want to be apart of this by doing your part and spreading the gospel? 


  • Abiola Taiwo

    Thank God for everything!

  • Seun

    Yes!! Let’s tell the world about Jesus!

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