We are family!

Blessed Afrique Boutique is a Nigerian owned brand. We stand against all injustices against Nigerian citizens especially the youth.

"Everyone should look out not only for his own interests but also for the interests of others." (Philippians 2:4) 

From its beginning, the church has been known as a family. Though made up of members from every nation and culture, speaking hundreds of different languages, the church has been called to unity and care for each other. (‘Father, May they all be one’ - John 17:21)

An interconnected group of people who entrust themselves to each other whether they are five miles apart or continents apart. 
You can speak of your pain and someone somewhere can identify with that pain. 
You can speak of your joys and someone somewhere rejoices with you. 
You can ask for help and someone somewhere prays for and with you. - The Church is a family. 

The youths in Nigeria have been staging protests in different parts of the country because they have been victimized by the ‘F-SARS DIVISION,’ because there have constantly been major cases of police brutality.
There is unrest and chaos in Nigeria as a result of this. 

Speaking against any form of injustice even if it doesn’t affect us directly is part of caring for one another. It is part of loving one another. It is part of what we are called to do as Christians. 
We must therefore as God’s children, constantly identify with the plights of whatever sets of people undergo victimization in any form whether we are directly affected or not. 
Therefore, we join our voices with those of the Nigerian youths to say, #EndSARS #Endpolicebrutality

Jesus never said to love only those in your country or continent or those you deem deserving. Jesus said - ‘Love one another, just as I have loved you.’ 

There is scarcely anything else in the world but that- ‘to love one another.’ 
We should love one another because we are one because we are family, & if we love one another, then we must care about the plights of each other.

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